SuperUser AccountWeek 2 : 3mm and small tear

It took me from Monday to Wednedsay to finally get from 3mm to 4mm with multiple sessions per day trying to get to the 4mm ear taper fully inserted. Then I got some blood in my urine and had to spend a lot of time waiting to see a doctor and in the process dropped down to about 1mm. I managed to get back to 3mm by the end of the week and learned tings along the way.


SuperUser AccountUltrasound sonogram exam

Today was the day I was scheduled for my sonogram exam. I was not scared and mainly very curious about the process. I am also now at 3mm which is nice. Getting to 3mm in the past without steroid cream took me multiple weeks.


SuperUser AccountDay 2 : 2.5mm

Not much to report but this is the second day of the treatment. I started this morning with the 1.6mm but it took many hours to get it completelly in with multiple trials. I was not thinking all work from yesterday would be almost lost after about 8 hours of not stretching. Still using the steroid cream twice per day and using it as lubricant to insert the tapers twice per day. The rest of the insertions are done using coconut oil and it's working well.


SuperUser AccountDay 1 : First stretchings

Right after my first in-person meeting with my doctor, I got a prescription for Betaderm, a topical steroid cream that helps removing possible adhesions, reduces possible inflamation and has a positive (in this case) side effect of thining skin. I am starting this journey in this blog post with my first foreskin stretches.


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